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Los Ingenieros

The official SHPE & MAES Student Chapter at the University of California, Santa Barbara

to Our FamiLIa

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Who Are We?

Los Ingenieros is a UCSB student organization founded in 1978. Los Ingenieros began when eight Latino engineering students formed a support group that shared common goals and aided each other in developing the skills needed in the professional workplace. Since then, Los Ingenieros has grown to an organization more than five times as big as the original eight members and has expanded to include all science, technology, mathematics, and engineering majors. The goal of Los Ingenieros is to serve its members, primarily in the Latin@ community, in the advancement of their math, science, and engineering education. Our organization is also dedicated to promoting these fields to students of all school levels ranging from elementary school to high school through outreach activities; our goal in doing this is to inspire the next generation of Latin@ STEM college graduates.

2024 SHPE Nationals Recap

Thank you to all who attended and for representing Los Ingenieros. We hope you all had a blast!

Engage with Us


General Body Meetings

Join us at our bi-weekly Thursday meetings. A great platform to expand your knowledge and network with like-minded individuals.


Outreach Events

Paintball competitions, carne asadas, and more. All are welcome to our social and outreach events. so come meet fellow SHPEsters!


L@s Guias

Work with experienced professionals and upperclassmen who are dedicated to helping you navigate STEM education.

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Professional Events

From conferences to internship opportunities, we are committed to providing the tools you need to excel professionally.


EUCR Study Hours

Come get some work done at the Engineering Undergraduate Conference Room (EUCR) every Tuesday and Thursday evening.


Science Nights

Help middle and high school students learn about exciting science by doing exciting, hands-on science.


Membership: Join the FamiLIa!

Venmo $10 to liucsb
*Include your NAME and the phrase "New Member" in the description.*

Membership Features


Eligible for MESA and LI Scholarships


Run for officer positions


Attend LI-related conferences (SHPE, MESA)


One (1) free LI t-shirt


Two (2) free LI stickers

Keep Up with Us

Working With the Best Sponsors and Partners

Empower the next generation of engineers and innovators. Get involved today!

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